“You will lose, you will learn, you will hurt and you will fail but most importantly you will search for yourself and fall in love.”

                                                      - S.E. Anthony

I think we all ultimately get to a pivotal point of shedding. Shedding old habits, relationships, ideals, and previous versions of ourselves. For some, it may have been a specific situation, feeling, or person that triggered this change. However, all of us need to pinpoint where that shift takes place and what exactly inspires our paths and growth.

What I will start by mentioning is the universe always comes full circle. Getting to know and find yourself remains an inevitable and bittersweet process. You will observe reflections of yourself in others that you are not so fond of. You will lose, you will learn, you will hurt and you will fail but most importantly you will search for yourself and fall in love.

You attract what you portray, keep what you have come to terms with, and lose the negative mirror reflections you have yet to accept. Life is in constant motion and stops for no one, not even you.

You will always be outgrowing people while meshing into others and transforming into your higher self. That is the beauty and fickleness of life; nothing stays pleasant or terrible for long, which should offer you hope and keep you humble. There’s always shedding connected to growth, you must release to receive. Sometimes people don’t want to experience loss so they deny themselves the opportunity to gain.

What are you shedding in this season of your life?

Growth and comfort do NOT mix. Growth requires us to challenge the boundaries of what is known. It takes to get out of our comfort zone, to make mistakes by definition, to be uncomfortable, and not run away from the discomfort. “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

What makes you uncomfortable?

Moral lessons for sustainable growth will naturally come in numerous human interactions, rare day to day situations, and they each justly call for a different you.

Get to experience your being. Before the influence, before the unpleasant days, before you gave up on yourself and before you couldn’t hear yourself think.

Back to where it was solely you, your higher self, and the immense possibilities.

You may occupy days where you undoubtedly see and cautiously feel no one but yourself, your mishaps, and your future. I consider these “self-reflect” days. When those days come and you look around only to discover you looking back at yourself. This is merely the key moment for necessary change; this by heart represents the moment to cultivate another expanded version of you and to shed what no longer serves you. Be intentional about who you want to be and what spaces you genuinely want to occupy when it's all said and done. 

What spaces do you genuinely want to occupy?

 You can reinvent yourself as many times as you want in this life.

      You choose who you want to be, every day.


S.E. Anthony

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