“Diversity creates healthy tribes.  A healthy tribe gives your life resiliency, riches, and flavor.  Find your tribe, love them hard.”

-Danielle Porte

Human connection, affinity groups, and soul tribes are all things we long for. There is power in finding people that see you and there is strength in discovering ones that reflect back to you who you think you already are

What is a soul tribe?

Most of us are aware of the term “soulmate”. It is often used to describe a romantic partner who knows you in-and-out and things fit like a puzzle. Nothing feels forced nor heavy. Just a free-flowing connection. A soul tribe has the same sentiments. Your soul tribe can consist of friends, family, co-workers, mentors. Anyone or a group of people that just instinctively feel like your own.  You see them and they see you. 

Soul tribes consist of people that you choose for many reasons in different seasons. Your soul tribe in one season may look completely different in another and that is okay. 

“Some friendships happen for a reason, a season or a lifetime” 

Just because this is your soul tribe does not mean it will not leave you when it is time. Just like any connection, it evolves as you do. Your tribe will change, develop and continue to grow as you go and grow through what life has to offer.

 How to find your tribe

I spent a lot of time downplaying my desire to find a group of people whom I could be unconditionally loved and accepted by while staying in alignment with myself.

I believe it is critical before scouting for your tribe to make sure that you have clearly defined your values and understand what matters to you most.

Ask yourself these questions:  
  • Why do I want a soul tribe? 

  • What feelings and words come up when I think of my tribe 

  • What areas of life am I lacking support in?

  • What core values are important to me?

  Get clear behind your goals and motives 

Your soul tribe is people who believe in the beauty and power of your dreams, no matter how outrageous and your mission just as much as you do. Find them, support them, and let them support you. 


S.E. Anthony

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