4 Tips for the Corporate Black Gurl Who Plans to Quit Her 9-5
Image from therapyinbeverlyhills.com
If you have not heard of The Great Resignation let me enlighten you, many people have decided to quit their jobs!
That is just a quick summary, the more detailed version is as a result of the pandemic work-from-home movement many got a taste of flexibility. In addition to the at home model, more family time (or lack thereof due to traveling restrictions), and a greater sense of happiness there is a wave of individuals looking to maintain that lifestyle. A lot of people feel overworked and simply over work!
Let me raise my hand here and share, I am on the train to leave corporate. Luckily, this concept has always been a dream of mine and this wave of 2-weeks notices all at once further propelled me to make the transition.
If you are on the fence on your decision, let us walk through a few tips that many including myself are following to narrow down future fate:
Follow Your Path, Not Others
It is easy to get lost in trends and get the feeling, “maybe I should leave too?” First red flag, do not lose yourself in the fantasy of others. Be intentional about your path in life. Even if you do not have all the answers, have an idea of where you want to go. Yes, quite a few people are leaving corporate America, but it may or may not be your mission. Ask yourself:
● Am I currently operating in my genius? Is there still more for me to learn?
● Have I invested enough (time and/or money) in my current gifts before moving on?
● Do I have a strategy and plan to monetize my gifts as a self-employed person?
Finances in Order
One of the key components towards my decision of entrepreneurship was becoming debt free. I eliminated $80,000 worth of debt! If you have student loans like I did you know how much it costs each month. I also made sure to make mindset shifts and and build a better relationship with money overall. Before you make the leap think about where you can improve in your financial life. This will also help self-fund your dreams!
Leverage Your Skills/Passion
Whether you have plans to leave corporate or not, improving your skills is vital to your growth. For those taking the leap, consider what you are good at and how you can begin to capitalize off your genius. For instance, I enjoy project management so much I get to leverage those skills for my own company. If you have the capacity, consider working on your gifts even before you leave the workforce. You will already have built a clientele and gotten some experience.
Mental Preparedness
Having the mental fortitude to accept any of life's challenges is valuable. If checking out of corporate life is important to you, just be prepared that it will not be a cake walk. Give yourself grace and know you will be tested in more ways than one.
So where are you on your journey? Are you unphased by The Great Resignation and will continue your pursuit of climbing the corporate ladder? Are you entertaining the idea of turning your skills into a full-time business? Wherever you are be sure to weigh all odds and pursue what's best for your future.
(Nicole Jones is a corporate girl turned entrepreneur. She is also a podcaster, author, project manager and slayed $80,000 of debt. Whatever career path you are on be sure to follow her road to entrepreneurship on YouTube or Instagram.)